Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Red Sox Spirit Day!

Tomorrow is a Red Sox Spirit Day. Remember to wear Red Sox shirts or Red Sox colors to show your team spirit! Go Red Sox!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Halloween Party

We will have our Halloween Party on Thursday, October 31st from 2-2:45. The class has been working hard and is looking forward to the party!  There will be time prior to the party for the children to change into their costumes. The school discourages violent costumes, props and make up. Please feel free to drop by and join us for our celebration.

Math-Addition up to 10,000

The students have been learning to add two 4-digit numbers to 10,000 with and without regrouping. We used base-ten blocks and place value charts, then practiced finding the sum in vertical form. The children have also solved real-world problems involving addition.


The class has been learning about the parts of a plant. So far we have learned about the roots, stem and leaves. Last week, the students learned about photosynthesis. The children learned that photosynthesis is how green plants make food. During the next week, each child will be creating a project using the iPads to demonstrate their understanding of the five steps of photosynthesis.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tipi Talks Part 2

During the afternoon session, the children had an opportunity to look at artifacts from various tribes.  They also learned about the everyday life and customs of many tribes, including those that lived in the surrounding area.

Cultural Enrichment -Tipi Talks

At the end of September, the Third Grade participated in the Cultural Enrichment Program, Tipi Talks. During the first session the children worked together and built a tipi. This activity required cooperation and good listening skills. I'm proud to report the children were amazing!