Wednesday, January 22, 2014


The third graders began a new spelling program today. This program is designed to help the children internalize the spelling words and write them with automaticity in their daily writing. The spelling words correlate with our Fundations program. 

 At the beginning of each week, the students will be given a pre assessment.   On Fridays, they will be given a post assessment.  Your child will be given several opportunities to practice the words in class each week. On the back of this paper is an optional spelling homework menu. The children can choose to do these activities throughout the week to help practice spelling words.

I have added a spelling tab to my blog. On this page you will find the spelling words for the week and the optional spelling homework menu.

If you have any questions, please email or call me.  Thank you for your continued support!

Saturday, January 18, 2014


The class has been studying multiplication. We have learned that multiplication is repeated addition. The students have represented multiplication facts using arrays and area models. Last week, the class used division to find the number of items in a group or the number of groups. The children have enjoyed sharing multiplication strategies and have practiced solving multiplication and division word problems.

I encourage the students to practice multiplication facts at home. Even a few minutes a day, in the car or at the bus stop, would be beneficial. The children were exposed to the tables of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 in second grade. During our most recent math unit, the students solved multiplication facts of 6, 7, 8 and 9. I will meet with students this week to assess their efficiency with the 3's and 4 facts, then they can move on through the tables.

Awesome Adjectives

The class recently learned about adjectives. Click on the link below to watch our Awesome Adjective Slideshow.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Open Response Assignment

Starting tonight your child will be assigned an open response question for homework. Your child should work on the open response question each night, for 15 minutes, until it is complete. The assignment is due Friday.  On the back of the Reading Log are some options for your child to complete once they finish the open response question.  I always encourage the students to reread what they have written and edit for capital letters and punctuation.  Last week, we worked on an open response in class based on the story Moe McTooth. That open response was sent home today and your child can use it as an example. If you have any questions, please call or email me at your convenience.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy 2014!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season. The children were excited to see each other this morning and reported that they enjoyed their extended vacation! I had a wonderful vacation and enjoyed lots of time with my family and friends.
I would like to take this time to thank each of you for your support and kind words. Your children are a joy to teach and I thank you for sharing them with me each day. I consider myself lucky to work with you and your children and am grateful to have a job that I love!
I wish you and your family a healthy, happy New Year!

It's Time to Bundle Up!

     It is our hope to get the children out for recess whenever possible. In order that children are appropriately dressed, please remind them to bring a hat and gloves to school. Also, your child must bring snow pants and boots if they would like to play in the snow. Since there are many pairs of black or blue snow pants, please put your child's name on their belongings. Finally, I have suggested to the children to leave a sweater, sweatshirt or fleece in their locker just in case they get cold during the day. Our primary concern is that the children are warm, dry and comfortable throughout the day.