Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Party and Extra Credit

Since school is cancelled again due to the storm, our class Halloween Party will be rescheduled until tomorrow, November 1st at 12:45. I hope that everyone is well, didn't experience extensive property damage and if you don't have power, it's restored soon. Please tell the children I miss them and  look forward to seeing them tomorrow. I've listed some optional Extra Credit opportunities if your child is looking for a challenge or something to do!

Students may complete any of these activities for Extra Credit. 

Create a Fall or Halloween inspired...
Math Word Problems


Write a Book Review about a book you've read recently. Include 3- 5 sentences describing the book, but don't give away the ending. What did you like or dislike about the book? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why or why not?

Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween Party

We will have our Halloween Party tomorrow, October 31st from  12:45-1:30. The class has been working hard and is looking forward to the party!  

There will be time prior to the party for the children to change into their costumes. Students should leave all props and make-up at home. 

Please feel free to drop by and join us for our celebration.

I hope all the students enjoy this unexpected day off. I look forward to seeing them tomorrow!

Image result for halloween

Friday, October 13, 2017

First Grade Buddies

 Yesterday we met with our First grade Buddies for the first time. The students asked each other questions to get to know each other. They recorded their answers on a Venn Diagram to see how they are alike and different. 

Some of the questions they asked were...
What's your favorite color?
What color eyes do you have?
How many kids are in your family?

The first and third graders worked so well together. I loved listening to the third graders help the first graders with spelling and explaining phonics rules. Mrs. Truhart and I can't wait for our classes to get together again!