Monday, May 18, 2015

Permission Slips

Permissions slips were sent home today for the Topsfield Tour and the Boston Tea party. Please sign and return the permission slips at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

free glitter text and family website at

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Poetry Celebration

Throughout the year the third graders have been learning about poetry. They have read amazing poetry and had fun learning about figurative language. Our talented students have also written some wonderful pieces of poetry and we will be writing more over the next month.   We would like to invite families to a Poetry Celebration on June 5th at 9:15 in room 215. This will be an opportunity for the children to share some of their poetry with you. We hope you will be able to attend!

free glitter text and family website at

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Discovery Science Museum2

Last week the Discovery Science Museum visited Steward School and presented a matter workshop to the third grade. The students loved  all of the hands-on activities and remembered many facts they learned during our study of matter!
First, we had to figure out how to melt an ice cube. The students used their hands or breath to warm up the ice cube.

Adding heat or taking away heat changes the state of water.

We also observed some cool experiments with liquid nitrogen and dry ice.
Rubber bands freeze in liquid nitrogen!

Ask your child how Ms. Stella used a banana as a hammer and shrunk medal.
If students visit with their parents they can find some at-home science activities. If you complete the five question survey you will receive a FREE admission pass for the Discovery Science Museum.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

State House

On May 1st the third graders went on a special field trip to the Massachusetts State House. We went on a guided tour and learned many interesting facts about Massachusetts and the State House. During our tour, we learned about the Hall of Flags, the Great Hall, House of Representatives and Senate Chamber. Senator DiDomenico spent a great deal of time with us. He explained what his job was like as a senator and answered all of the students questions. He also arranged for us to see Governor Baker's office!

Thank you to the Giunta family, Senator DiDomenico and his staff for arranging the tour, providing lunch and making this a special experience for the third graders!

Marissa got to sit in the Senate President's chair and pass a law! 

We are under the Golden Dome.
Ask your child why the the flags were hung in the Great Hall.

Going out on the balcony was a special privilege!
This is Governor Baker's desk.