Monday, September 9, 2013

     We’ve had a successful start to the school year! During the first week, we made a list of class rules and have been busy learning classroom routines. I’ve enjoyed getting to know each of the children and am looking forward to a great year!

Parent Seminar
     Parent Seminar for third grade parents will be held on Wednesday, September 18th from 6:00-6:45. At this time, I will share information about our classroom, third grade and the curriculum that will be taught this year. I look forward to meeting each of you and hope that you will be able to attend.

     Students should read for 15 minutes each night. If they don't have a book to read at home, they are welcome to borrow a book from our classroom library. Please initial your child's Reading Log each night. This week, the children are also decorating their Writing Notebook. They can use pictures, Clip Art, stickers and words to decorate their notebooks which will serve as a source of inspiration throughout the year. Notebooks must be completed and returned to school by Friday, September 13th.


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